ANNUNCIO: CC139858777
banca delle case - centro servizi ascoli di ciccarelli daniela civitella del tronto, colleventoso, on the peak of hill omonimo (altitude 650mt) rises the old building, typical example of `fortified rustico building`, originally built as a sighting-outpost tower at service of the fortress aragonesebarbonica of civitella del tronto, which was the last military defence to the reign of the two sicilies after, a long siege was expelled the 20th of march 1981 by the piemontese military commanded by general l.mezzacapo. previously, the hills got to know the field and artillery of duke di guisa. suitor to the trone of france, which sieged the fortress to conquer the reign of naples in 1557, but was rejected after hard battles. his military camp can be seen installed on the hills by a lithographer design of tramezzini in 1560. subsequently the building during the napolian reign invasion in 1806, was occupated by the french army which seiged the civitellese fortress, commanded by general gouvion saint cyr, which used it as `a detached seige place`. with the unity of italy (1861) the building lost it`s military function and became a rural house for agricutural purposes which is still valid today. after an adequate restructure it became a house of private vacations. the house is composed as follows: ground floor, living room, master bedroom with bathroom, box room and garage. on the first floor living room with fireplace and angle kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, big terrace, utility room and attic with wooden beams in view plus two service rooms. the house is sorrounded by 3 hecteres of land. half private half forest preserve (aleppo pine, cypress arizonica, productive olive grove, cherry trees, fir trees, maples.) the whole of the property is fenced. it has a 360 degree spectacular view which goes from the marchigian mountains onto the abruzzese sea.rustico casale plurilocale in vendita a civitella del tronto